Red Impostor vs Crew
530,710 Plays
How to play Red Impostor vs Crew?
Have a great time with Red Impostor vs Crew in a stealth adventure game created by fans of the famous and acclaimed Among Us! Are you ready to do evil and have fun killing all your opponents in this fun and engaging 3D action game with stunning 3D graphics?
Play as an impostor who has infiltrated a crew of astronauts and make your way through all the corridors and rooms of the ship as you prevent them from fixing the damage by killing all your crewmates one by one without getting caught. Can you complete your mission and stop the ship from staying on course thanks to your sabotage? Watch out for your crew mates as they might discover that you are the impostor by a mistake or a bad move. Enjoy the cute and colorful graphics and prove that you are the king of stealth by completing all levels without getting caught! Good luck to you...
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